2012 KMovie: Confession of Murder

I attended my first ever Korean Film Festival in our City with my cousins last week. I didn’t do any research on the movies they were going to show but I was looking forward to “Beauty Inside” which I have been eyeing a few months before. I knew that the movie was star-studded and knew the plot but I was wondering how’d it’d end (but I didn’t get to watch that particular movie).


Keeping an open-mind and heart I watched this movie getting surprised how I didn’t know Park Shi Hoo was cast in it (I loved his ‘Prosecutor Princess’ drama).

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2016 KMovie: Train to Busan


This movie left a very very deep visual impact on me. I’m not sure why but even as I close my eyes (’till now, it’s been a full day since I watched it) I can command my memory to clearly visually recall scenes in the movie that left me speechless and sobbing (which hasn’t happened to me before, ever). Continue reading